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“How a Throw-Away Suggestion from My Girlfriend’s Cousin Accidentally Launched a £1.25 Million Home-Business ...

(and Allowed Me to Kick My Biz-Opp Addiction for Good)”


If you find yourself facing redundancy, back on civvy street after a career in the Forces, or you’re just sick of your current job, and wanting to start a real business - then stick with me. Grab a cuppa and find 5 minutes to read this page because I’ve got something to share with you that might be just what you’ve been looking for.

Straight off the bat though, I need to tell you I’m not a copywriter, I’m just a regular bloke who’s perfected a system that has been paying me big, fat cheques for the past 9 years now. By the end of this letter you will have discovered a business that:

  • can realistically make you between £4000-£12,000 / month starting just 7-10 days from now
  • requires no premises, employees or special equipment
  • does not require you to buy or hold stock
  • does not discriminate in terms of age, gender or geographical location
  • you can make a proper ‘career’ out of that could see you through to your (early) retirement if you want it to

Before I get into the nitty gritty of what this is all about, let me briefly tell you a bit about myself – I’ve got a feeling you might be able to relate…

I’m 44 years old and prior to operating this business, I must have tried just about every business opportunity that came down the river. I honestly think if there had been some kind of Biz-opps Anonymous group I would have joined it!

I was so desperate to get out of the job I was in at the time, that I spent literally 10’s of thousands of pounds (on my credit card) on manuals, courses, 3 day events and online webinars.

A serious addiction…

My collection of folders, videos and DVDs swelled to such a size that I had to buy 4 bays of metal shelf racking to store it in my garage! And that didn’t include the hundreds of ebooks and online videos gathering digital dust on my hard-drive! I can’t bring myself to add up what it all cost me. Not just the money I’d spent, but the time invested too.

But if you’re like me, you find the real cost is a psychological one. You find your dream slips ever further away. Your hope of escaping the rat race becomes a distant memory. And sin of sins, you realise you’ve ‘settled’. You’ve watered down your ambitions. You don’t look at the goal list with the 5 bedroom executive home, 2 luxury cars and multiple-holiday lifestyle any more.

Now you’re thinking your 3-bedroom semi, cheap-finance car and fortnight in Spain might be as good as it gets.

Humour me for a second and let’s compare notes on the things we’ve probably both tried over the years:

  • stock market or forex trading
  • betting and gambling systems
  • online opportunities (I’ve looked into lots and lots of these)
  • property
  • mail order / direct response

and various others I’ve long forgotten.

Soul destroying…

I’m not saying for a second that out of all these, there weren’t some great systems and ideas - which probably worked for other people. The thing is; whether it was my lack of patience, understanding, focus, persistence or whatever – they simply didn’t work for me.

Probably the most soul-destroying thing I found was what this did to my self-confidence. Ever since I was a kid at school I hated it if I thought everyone else could do or understand something, but I couldn’t. Have you ever felt like that?

And the thing is, with every new ‘shiny object’ you buy that doesn’t work like you’d hoped, a little bit of your entrepreneurial spirit dies

…and then you beat yourself up for being ‘so damned gullible’. Again!!


I think even worse though, is after all the BS offers and schemes you’ve bought into over the years, it’s easy to become cynical. They’ve robbed you of that early hope and enthusiasm you once had when you set out on this journey to be your own boss. To call your own shots. And that, my friend is the saddest thing of all.

Not everyone reading this will relate to this ‘pain’, but I know many probably do. Your desire for a better life is almost tangible, you can virtually taste it, you know you want it more than anything and yet so far it’s eluded you. Believe me, I’ve been in exactly your position and I know what it feels like to be on the biz-opp merry-go-round and not be able to step off.

I found a way out

The good news is, I found a way out of this trap. I found a business which I could get my head around. It may not be new, it may not be cool, trendy or sophisticated, but it’s one I’m proud of and which pays me a very good income.

All while having the freedom of being my own boss and working my own hours.

For you, that time and money freedom may allow you to play more golf, take your kids to Disneyland, watch their school shows, or just meet friends for coffee – mid week, mid-morning.

When your ex-colleagues, neighbours and relatives are at work in an office or factory somewhere.

There’s a certain smug satisfaction to be enjoyed from that to be honest. It might not sound very ‘pc’ but it’s quite nice to have other people doing the work for you while you get to choose what you do (more of that in a minute).

Don’t get me wrong. You’ll still have to do some work – this isn’t some set-and-forget and just bank the money kind of business. At times you’ll be bloomin’ busy. But you’ll be busy on your schedule, not someone else’s.

What I have to tell you about just now may not be the answer you are looking for. I know it won’t suit everybody. But, hand on heart, you are about to discover a system you can easily duplicate that’ll cost you waaaaay less than any comparable franchise and which could literally, set you up for life.

Your own chunk of a £14 Billion/year industry

Before I reveal my business, let me give you an inkling of the size of the market. The industry as a whole is worth £14 billion per year in the UK. And the part we’re interested in accounts for a good size chunk of this. In addition, there are 27 million privately owned homes in the UK and every one of them is a potential customer. Within a radius of just 10 miles of your house, there’s likely enough business to keep you going until you choose to retire.

As you might have guessed, I’m talking about the home-improvement industry and in our case specifically, the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom (or KBB) sector. Now if your first thought is that you don’t know anything about this business, well neither did I and yet I’ve made a very comfortable living off it nonetheless!

A conversation over a few beers…

So how did I get into this line of work? Well, pretty much by accident to be honest. My girlfriend’s cousin Paul sat me down over a few beers and explained how he planned to relocate himself and his family to my end of the country.

He reckoned he had a good supplier of cheap kitchens and that he would handle the sales side of things if I’d look after the installation.

Long story short, he never did relocate or join the business. But by the time he told me about his change of heart, I’d already set up the company and had my first customer on-board. As it turned out, this was the best thing that could have happened.

To be fair, Paul put me onto an opportunity I would never have thought of myself, but once I got my first big deposit cheque, I was hooked. Now with that said, I guarantee you’ll be thinking “well the money sounds nice, but I don’t know the first thing about kitchens”. That’s what I thought too, until I discovered a system that removed 99% of the roadblocks I assumed would stand in my way.

A complete business blueprint

If you let me, I’ll show you a complete business blueprint which will enable you to start profiting from the lucrative KBB market without:

  • technical knowledge
  • having to 'hard sell' (banish all thoughts of slippery sales tactics from your mind)
  • having to do any physical work yourself
  • employees

Now if I were you reading this just now, I know this is the sort of thing that would get my curiosity going. I’d probably be saying to myself,

“Yes, I can get my head around this opportunity and I like it because it’s not one of those silly get-rich-quick schemes I keep falling for.

This would actually be a real business. And I’d like to own a real business.

Also, I’ve had a bit of work done in my own house over the years. I know what it cost and I experienced the process. Even the income figures I’m seeing seem believable.”

BUT, and it’s a big but, I’d have some serious questions that would need answering before I thought this could work for me.

Let’s see how good a mind reader I am. Right now you’re thinking …

  • 1. I’m not a salesperson
  • 2. I don’t know anything about kitchens, bathrooms or bedrooms
  • 3. I’m not a designer
  • 4. How will I find customers?
  • 5. Who will do the work for me?
  • 6. What about competition?
  • 7. I work full-time, how could I fit this in?

Okay, fair enough. All valid points, so let’s go through them one at a time:

  • 1. I’m not a salesperson - Unfortunately sales and selling has gotten a very bad name, sometimes for good reason. But you’ve got to realise, there isn’t a single business out there that doesn’t involve some kind of sale being made – no matter how it’s sugar-coated. Personally, I used to shudder at the thought of selling anything.

    That’s why I perfected a simple, undemanding and pleasant way of ‘guiding’ my customers to buy from me. It doesn’t involve any unscrupulous mind control tricks or clever ‘closing techniques’. In fact, if you enjoy a good blether with a friend down the pub or a chat with your neighbour over the garden fence, then you have just what it takes.

    I also share with you my recommendations about what to wear and how to ask the right kind of questions so your customers do most of the talking. Put it this way - as long as you come across as polite, friendly and trustworthy, you’ll do just fine – believe me.
  • 2. I don’t know anything about kitchens, bathrooms or bedrooms - I’m not being funny, but I know you have a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom in your house, so we’re off to a good start - they’re not complete unknowns to you. You will also be aware, even from watching adverts on TV, of the kind of products that are on the market and what’s popular these days.

    I suspect your worry is that a customer is going to ask you some kind of tricky question and put you on the spot. However, I assure you that by the time you’ve finished reading my guide and the special bonus which I’ll tell you about at the end of this letter, you will know far more than 99% of the general public.

    I completely demystify the whole subject and give you the knowledge you need to confidently sell kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms worth £1,000s. And if it’s any consolation, I knew a fraction of what I share with you when I first started.
  • 3. I’m not a designer - It’s okay that you’re not a designer. You can be absolutely sure that the staff working in B&Q, Homebase and Wickes every weekend selling kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms weren’t either. Once you learn a few fundamental basics you will quickly see how some rooms almost design themselves. And I’m not saying that to make it sound easier than it is.

    Once you’ve decided where the essential items (like appliances) are to go and you see how much space you have left, it’s simply a case of completing the layout using standard cabinet sizes given by your supplier. Anyway, if you use the type of drag and drop software I recommend, you’ll quickly discover KBB design is a breeze.
  • 4. How will I find customers? - Aha, the lifeblood of any business – customers. First let’s try and get a handle on the size of the opportunity here. As I mentioned earlier, there are over 27 million privately owned residential properties in the UK. The potential market is truly enormous.

    Almost regardless of your geographical location, there is a continual turnover of renovation and remodelling work being undertaken by new home owners, buy-to-let’rs and people doing up their homes to sell. And it’s no lie that the kitchen and bathroom in particular are 2 of the most influential rooms when it comes to houses being bought and sold.

    With that in mind, I provide a proven collection of methods to tap into this demand and bring in new work for free or for little expense. And those methods I recommend that do cost money are measurable, so you know your exact return on investment.

    And what can you do once you know your ROI? You can scale. Want more business? Easy, just buy more advertising, safe in the knowledge that for every £1 you spend will bring back £1x in return.
  • 5. Who will do the work for me? - Okay, as I’ve alluded to earlier, you won’t be the one rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty (unless you particularly want to). No, this system is based on using the time and talents of other people to do the hard work for you.

    Take a leaf out of the book of John D. Rockefeller who famously said “I’d rather earn 1% off the efforts of 100 people, than 100% off my own”. Not only will this make your life physically and mentally easier, it will allow you to concentrate on bringing in business and making more money. Play to your own skills and talents and let other people do the things you can’t or don’t want to do.
  • 6. What about competition? - First of all, competition is no bad thing. If there was no competition then there likely wouldn’t be much of a market for your products or services either. The fact that there is competition proves there’s good money to be made.

    Having said that, I’ve never given much thought to my local competition. I’ve never gone out of my way to research them, find out what they’re selling or what methods they’re using. Call it conceited if you want, but it’s never been much of an issue for me. I’ve just ‘minded my own business’ and I’ve done perfectly well out of it.

    I know what products I can source, how much I can buy them for, how much I can sell them for and the quality of service I can offer. As long as I provide good value and the customer trusts me, then that’s all they’re bothered about. Do I get every job I price for? No I don’t, but I get a very high percentage. You will too, if you follow my system.
  • 7. I work full-time, how could I fit this in? - Okay, I understand this one only too well. When I got started in this business I thought I was going to have Paul’s help to get us up and running. Except you know that’s not how it turned out. From Day 1 I did it all myself, while I still had a full-time job.

    Looking back, it actually wasn’t that difficult. I’d already organised my ‘team’ and had accounts open with my suppliers (which I did over the phone in my lunch hour and by email). I then just made my appointments to see customers in the evening - which is the most convenient time for most customers anyway. Once the job was complete, I made a return visit to confirm they were happy with the work and pick up my cheque for the balance.

You might not realise it, but we’re so lucky to be living in the UK in terms of this opportunity. As a country, we are predominantly a land of homeowners, as opposed to tenants. Because of this, there is a perpetual cycle of home improvement going on in every part of the country.

With the population continuing to increase, we have an acute shortage of housing and as new properties get built, those homes vacated by these buyers will need upgrading and modernising.

Even within the rental market there is huge opportunity supplying and installing new kitchens and bathrooms (sadly, sometimes because the previous tenant has trashed them).

Upper tax bracket

Think of your own house or that of your neighbours or family. Do you remember how much it cost to have the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom refurbished? In most cases it was probably many thousands of pounds.

If you operate this business the way I outline in my guide then about a third of that will end up in your pocket … as profit. Literally just one average size job a month will earn you the equivalent of the average wage – for considerably less hours and physical work. Two or three jobs a month will comfortably take you into the upper tax bracket!

My business is about working smart, not hard - by leveraging the time and talents of other people.

How would you like to have your own team of skilled, qualified tradesmen working for you? But you don’t have to pay them holiday or sickness pay, guarantee them a certain number of hours a week, or provide them with tools or vehicles? Sounds like a dream?

It gets even better because in this business you…

  • don’t need premises, staff, stock, tools, equipment or commercial vehicles
  • can get started in 2 weeks’ time or less
  • will own a prestigious, ‘real’ business, selling real physical products
  • will genuinely make a difference to people’s quality of living
  • will improve the value of their home and/or make it easier to sell

Your own ‘proper’ business

You may have noticed I keep talking about owning a real business. It’s sad, but there seems to be so few, what I would call ‘proper’ business ideas being offered to people like you and I in the UK.

Basically, unless you’re into some form of gambling or you don’t mind sitting in front of a computer all day, there aren’t many serious opportunities with this kind of earning potential that the average person can start.

Let’s face it, if you don’t have the money to rent premises, buy stock and guarantee employees their first few months of wages, the door is firmly closed.

Your life savings for a dog walking franchise?...

So the most common alternative to starting a conventional business from the ground up, is to operate a franchise. Anyone who’s considered buying a franchise has done so because they want to short-cut the learning curve and buy a proven business system. They want a tried and tested method of successfully operating a business in that field.

And anyone who’s looked, will know that you can’t buy a franchise for less than £5,000 and often times considerably more - £15,900 (+VAT) for an oven cleaning franchise anyone? How about £8,000 (+ VAT) for a dog walking franchise? 8 Grand??? Come on. To walk dogs??

All they’ll be getting for that is someone else’s logo, a manual and maybe some marketing materials. But how much can you ever make walking dogs or cleaning ovens? Put it this way, you’d need to walk an awful lot of pooches and clean up an awful lot of poop to make the £5000 - £12000/month you could with my business and it won’t cost you a fraction of their fee to find out.

In my brand new guide, KBB Cash you’ll discover:

  • How to select your team so you don’t have to lift a finger if you don’t want to and how they’ll even find customers for you
  • How creating the right image is essential for this business – learn where to get all your design and marketing jobs completed for £4 a pop
  • How to open accounts with under-the-radar suppliers so you don’t need a penny of your own money to buy materials until the job’s complete and you’ve been paid
  • How to land your first customer for free, then have them desperate to tell all their friends and neighbours about you
  • The best ‘pay on results’ advertising system to start getting calls the very same day
  • How to win high paying jobs using my "non-sales", sales technique
  • The hottest items in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom markets to build into your jobs for even bigger pay days
  • Why trying to be the cheapest, is definitely not best – for you or your customers
  • How to leverage the knowledge of your team so you sound like an expert from day one
  • How to get customers, who’ve only met you once, to write cheques for £1,000s and put you in positive cashflow from the get-go … (and remove all financial risk from the job)
  • Accept this one special type of payment and make extra money for doing nothing more than filling in a form
  • The proven timeline for installations which will allow you to complete jobs quicker than most of your competition, meaning more cash-generating jobs per month
  • What to do once the job is complete, to get hand-written testimonials and raving online reviews
  • The simple day-to-day operating tips to keep your business running like a well-oiled machine
  • How to grow this business with new products and new territories so your income expands exponentially

Let me ask you; do you take satisfaction in a job well done? I hope you do, because I’ve found you don’t need to have physically done the work yourself to feel enormous pride and satisfaction in the completion of a project.

To have turned around a shabby, tired looking room into a stunning realisation of your customer’s dream is genuinely rewarding. Take it from me, the look on your customer’s face and the £4000 profit in your bank account for 5 days work is an experience you won’t tire of.

Fortunately, what I’m offering here is a straightforward, proven business system to allow you to do just that … with in-the-trenches, tested methods and resources. All for a fraction of the cost of a traditional business or franchise.

If you’ve always harboured a desire to run your own tangible business, selling physical products to real people and making very tidy profits to boot, then this could be exactly what you’re looking for. With my comprehensive, step-by-step course, you could leapfrog past all the trial and error … past all the expensive mistakes I made.


In addition to the core business guide, I’ve also assembled a package of essential bonus items to get you off to the fastest possible start, including:

The KBB Cash Design Guide: This online manual will lay to rest any fears you may have about being able to design a professional kitchen, bathroom or bedroom layout. In it, you will learn how to look at the room as a professional would and arrange furniture and fittings safely and conveniently.

It explains the basic layouts you must know to avoid the haphazard ‘scattering’ of units you see in so many homes. How to accurately measure the room size, then choose the most appropriate items to fit.

This brand new guide takes you by the hand from complete novice to competent KBB designer...


  • Discover the essential safety do’s & don’ts of kitchen planning so you stay on the right side of the Building Regulations
  • Learn about the 3 ‘zones’ that all professional kitchen designers have to plan around to create the ideal working triangle
  • There are 5 basic kitchen layouts – but do you know which one’s right for your customer and which will make the best use of available space? I’ll explain them all
  • If you’ve ever wondered ‘which is which’ between cornice, pelmet & plinth, or what the difference is between a built-in and a built-under double oven, you’ll now know exactly what to order with my comprehensive glossary of kitchen terminology
  • Instantly know if your intended layout will work in the space that you have available using my simple ‘building block’ system
  • Uncover the questions you must ask before you even think about designing your customer’s new kitchen
  • Why changing the kitchen layout in a modern house might be totally unnecessary and a costly mistake…


  • The one bathroom item you should avoid relocating if at all possible
  • How to keep your customers safe with the correct lighting and electrical choices
  • Uncover one of the biggest trends in bathroom design just now and see how your newfound kitchen planning skills will stand you in good stead
  • The one type of bathroom installation you might be better avoiding until you have a few jobs under your belt


  • Why bedrooms might be the quickest and easiest part of this whole business to start profiting from

Value: £197

In addition, the Bonus Pack also includes:

  • Comprehensive Resources section - featuring the biggest suppliers, with the widest range. Instantly be in a position to offer your customers the latest, on-trend kitchen, bathroom and bedroom products with great profit margins.

    Most of these suppliers don’t have very inspiring websites and if you stumbled across them, you’d probably go straight back to Google and start your search again. But these are the hidden gems – large, national and international companies with huge stockholdings at the best prices, most of which I guarantee, your local tradesmen will never have even heard of! This list literally gives you the keys to the castle
    Value £147.00
  • I’ve also included every other resource I can think you might need from plumbing supplies to printing.
  • Admin pack – another valuable bonus allowing you to hit the ground running is my custom templates bundle. Included is a simple Income and Expenditure spreadsheet so you can see at a glance how much you’ve made on each job. There’s also samples of survey forms, invoices, project estimates and thank you letters for you to use and adapt as necessary. Value: £97.00
  • Kitchen design library – an essential collection of actual kitchen designs from my archives to teach and inspire you. Coupled with the knowledge gained from the KBB Design Guide, you’ll quickly understand how to create safe, elegant kitchen layouts that will have your customers reaching for their cheque books. Value: £97.00

Total Value: £538

Within a matter of minutes you could have access to information that could realistically set you up for life, which makes this introductory offer all the more incredible. You receive the main KBB Cash course, plus all the bonuses for just £497. And of course, the offer is fully backed by my iron-clad guarantee…

Your ‘Peace of Mind' No-Quibble Guarantee

Examine KBB Cash in your own home for a full 90 days. Study the comprehensive, step-by-step course. Pour over the Bonuses. I know as soon as you’ve done this, you’ll realise you can succeed at this!

But, if for any reason whatsoever, you’re not delighted with the value of the information I provide, then simply contact my support team within 90 days for a full, no-hassle, refund of your money. So just relax, there’s no risk whatsoever to investigate it a little further. I’ve got a feeling you’ll pick this up and absolutely run with it!

My advice is to use this offer to leverage the most important asset you have – time. Chances are you make at least £12-£15 an hour doing whatever you do just now. Wouldn’t you exchange just a few days work to buy 9 years of time (which is how long it took me to acquire this knowledge)? When you put it like that it’s an absolute no-brainer. Especially when you consider the guarantee.

There are customers out there today – right now – in your local area, ordering their £8,000 – £15,000 Kitchen, Bathroom or Bedroom from someone else. When they could be ordering it from YOU.

If you have an inkling this is the kind of business you’ve been looking for, then what are you waiting for? As you’ve just read, your purchase is covered by a 90 day, no questions asked, guarantee – so you have absolutely NOTHING to lose. With my guidance YOU could do this!

Remember, I’ve been exactly where you are now (except with less help or information) and I brought in over £1¼ million working very part-time hours, in a quiet part of the country. This is your chance to transform your life and finally gain the respect of your peers.

Just imagine, by this time next month you could have completed your first high paying job and banked a substantial cheque. Don’t waste another minute - get access to KBB Cash today.


Hywel Merrett

P.S. I’m aware of a UK based franchise that operates in just one small niche within the KBB industry. Judging by the comments on their site, some of their franchisees are turning over in excess of £100k/month!! The thing is, unless you have access to £30,000 of liquid funds and another £45K at the back of it, you can’t get on-board.

However, in the Resources section of the course, I’ll give you details of the suppliers who can give you everything you need to compete in this lucrative part of the market and all it will take to get started is a couple of phone calls to open accounts. Once you’ve done that, just apply the information you’ve learned in the KBB Cash guide and you’re up and running (and £75k better off!) By the way, this is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started in the KBB industry – see inside for details.

P.P.S. Not only could you be making a very healthy living from this business, but you’ll also be able to have your own kitchen, bathroom or bedrooms transformed at a fraction of the high street price – which in itself could save you way more than the cost of the course!

Earnings Disclaimer: No part of this page or the training materials provided should be seen as a guarantee of results. The earnings shown were those achieved by the author, your results will vary. Success in business of any kind is dependant on many factors and requires commitment, motivation and determination. Please do not buy this course if you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, this is not it.

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